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I am Ebony – a Mississippi native with old-school values and a single mother of two with one on the Autism Spectrum. At an early age, I became passionate about serving others and always felt called to do something great. Although at the time, I did not know God’s plan, I strongly believed and could sense that He chose me as a young girl. Growing up, I developed a strong work ethic and was often intrigued by business ventures and entrepreneurship. Throughout my working career, I have held a variety of positions in the corporate sector such as human resources, education administration, talent acquisition & recruitment, and healthcare administration. Like many people, I had my share of business attempts, but kept the faith that God chose me for greatness and would reveal it in his time.
In 2020, my son was diagnosed with Autism, and I quickly learned the critical need for support and advocacy for parents and children on the spectrum. I started to seek God for clarity and purpose, he led me to my lane. The Chosen Moms brand and podcast were created with the goal to celebrate moms that are raising children on the spectrum and to provide a safe space for them to listen and share their experiences. God has given me the vision and grace to take Chosen Moms and Chosen Kids to the nations and as a mom and woman of faith that has become my life’s mission and purpose.
Join me on my journey to support and celebrate moms chosen by God to love and raise children on the Autism spectrum!

Meet Ebony